Drop Stop–AKA Life Savers… Literally


Remember the last time you were in your car. And remember the last time you dropped your phone, french fries, or extra change in that endless black hole in between your car seat and your console. What if you never had to reach into that blackhole ever again? What if you never had to get those minute bruises from trying to maneuver your arm in that claustrophobic slot?

You don’t have to any more!!

Actually the smartest invention ever created is called, The Drop Stop. This invention was aired on Shark Tank, and the entrepreneurs behind this genius invention struck a deal with Lori Greiner. As one of the most successful products in Shark Tank history, The Drop Stop is quickly making its way into every vehicle in the world.


It is an insert to put in between your console and your car seat to prevent those unwanted drops in your car. Not many people realize that the majority of car crashes are caused by distracted driving, which INCLUDES reaching to grab something you dropped in between your car seat and your console

Drop Stops blend in perfectly with your car and catches absolutely anything you may drop! It fits with any car and looks perfect! This small purchase from Drop Stop could save your life! So definitely next time you go out shopping for a present for a friend, gift exchange, etc, pick out a Drop Stop! It’s a perfect gift that everyone needs, but doesn’t know exists!

You can purchase your set of Drop Stops for only $20 on Drop Stop’s website! Go do it RIGHT NOW!